Saturday, December 10, 2005

Our victim is coming on radar now... The kissing ball is in the upper left. Big Christmas kiss now... Posted by Picasa

No, no. To the right. Or is that your left? You missed the kissing ball by a mile. Posted by Picasa

What about me? You know, I just got one cat off my lap so I could shoot this. I give up, maybe I'll just shoot the cats. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Colors from a Cold Night in December

Driving by our home, you will see this from the corner. It's quite colorful, but not as flashy as past years. We had trees and globes and stars. Posted by Picasa

Closeup of the porch, although the various colors are not discernable. HP PhotoSmart 315 is severely limited, really just a snapshot camera. Let's try again. Posted by Picasa

A flash makes it prettier. I think we need the vigil lights for the windows, but this year we are scaling down. Maybe next year. More photos of our outdoor decorations, but dayside, below. Posted by Picasa

A lovely urban view of advent in a small, country sort of city. Elmira, New York, USA. December 4, 2005. Note the rose cones protecting Husband RJ's babies. Last year we put up a ton of truly glittering, tinsel wreaths and garland. This year is subdued. At least in the back yard. Posted by Picasa

The garage, way out back. We've always had this wreath out here. Used to be lit by that now dead utility light. A storm took out the service from the house two years ago. Posted by Picasa

No lights at all on the back of the house. Too much stuff here to want to emphasize it. Worth just a quick glance while passing by it on foot or in the car. Posted by Picasa

Here the white strings seem to complement the wreath. Not even lit and they seem okay. Posted by Picasa

A profusion of string lights, December 4, 2005. Our front elevation, slightly overdone. The huge number of strings is due to breaks in the working lights. Also, there are colors strung among the white icicles. Feels like so little, when I usually have a huge display of those white trees on the porch! Posted by Picasa

Let's go, Grandma! Ellie's always ready for a jaunt in the snow. So am I. Let's hope we find some lovely postable picture postcards of the Little Pond. Posted by Picasa