Monday, February 20, 2006

This little inlet is flooded and frozen right now. In the summer it's a narrow ring around the islet to the left. Chemung River in the background. I'm quite fond of the constant change in the area, from winter to flood to lushly verdant to dry and back to winter. Posted by Picasa

Down-river view, towards the city bridges. See the yellow intakes in the distance? The grass was dry and crunchy, and we could walk along the shore where we normally couldn't. Peaceful and people-less, except for yours truly... Posted by Picasa

This is the scene of the belly-flat crossing last week. Wouldn't dare try it today, although it is less liquid than it looks. It's frozen over, just not very hard or thick here. Posted by Picasa

Time to go home. Ellie's tired of sliding on the ice. Must be cold on her toes, too. Posted by Picasa